Not a lot of people pay close attention to their motorcycle filter as it’s not as exciting as getting a new pair of tires, but it is very important. Truth be told, some people don’t even realize it has to be changed until they have to. But if you want your machine to run as good as possible, taking care of your air filter is essential. Air filters are the gate keepers between the engine and the fresh air it needs to burn fuel and create power. If you have been ignoring the need for maintenance when it comes to your air filter, in the best case scenario it will be just a bit dirty. In worst case scenario, it could be damaged and let in particles right into your combustion chambers.
Types of Motorcycle Filters
In order to find the filter that is just right for your bike, you need to know the options that are available. There are three main types of filters: paper filters, foam filters, and cotton filters.
Paper Filters
Most people like paper air filters, mostly because they are the most commonly used ones. Paper air filters are disposable, cheap and don’t require any cleaning. While these filters do their job just fine, some people have complained that they don’t last very long and that they are not as efficient at filtering out the air as some other filters are. Out of the three these types of filter, these are the only ones that cannot be washed and reused, but they are also the cheapest version.
Foam Filters
These types of filters are most commonly seen on off-road bikes. Unlike paper filter, a foam filter can be washed and reused hundreds of times before you need to replace it and this is why they are a bit more expensive that paper ones. Another difference is that while paper filters have been accused of letting too many particles in, people point towards foam filters for not allowing enough air flow, especially once a significant amount of time has passed and they have gotten dirtier.
Cotton Filters
The last filter on the list is also the most expensive, but for a good reason. Not only is this type the best at filtering the air for better combustion, but it’s also a washable air filter and can be reused for hundreds of thousands of miles. Foam filters, as already mentioned are a washable air filter, but cotton ones have the spotlight when it comes to which is the most durable one. If a cotton filter is properly maintained, it can last longer than the engine itself. Many people have started calling these types of filters “the last filter you will ever nee to buy”.