Pain is a broad term for unpleasant sensations in different parts of the body. It’s very subjective, and though very real, it’s indescribable, like any abstract term. Pain has been described as dull or sharp. As something that comes and goes, or is consistent. Something that appears under certain conditions etc. Some types of pain are just annoying, and others affect negatively people’s quality of life.

Although uncomfortable, pain is our body’s way of communicating to us that something is missing. The most common causes of pain are headaches, muscle or bone-related aches, cramps, stomach aches, and externally caused pain (cuts, fractures, bruises, wounds etc).
People have always been looking for pain-relief, and today we can say that there are many ways to be pain-free, or to decrease the intensity of some aches. But popping pills every time something aches, is not recommendable. Not only do medicines often have side effects, but they can have a bad impact on your stomach, liver, intestines, etc.
So, it’s not smart to reach for a medicine all the time. What’s more, pain killers can be highly addictive, presenting a great threat, especially for people suffering from chronic pain.
Fortunately, there are alternative ways for addressing pain. Apart from physical therapies, massages, exercises, etc., there are natural health remedies you can turn to, that can be helpful for your pain management, while also being all together good for you, when used properly.

Magnesium is a mineral that’s naturally present in many foods and the human body needs it to function properly. It uses it in many processes and it’s crucial for maintaining normal muscle and nerve function. Some headaches, muscle pains, cramps or twitches can be caused by magnesium deficiency.
Taking magnesium supplements properly has many health benefits, not only in pain-treatment, but also for improving sleep, keeping your heart healthy, preventing osteoporosis, maintaining regulating sugar levels, keeping anxiety at bay etc.
According to studies, taking magnesium supplements daily reduces the frequencies of migraines. It’s also believed to prevent menstrual-related migraines.
As a supplement, magnesium can be absorbed in different ways. Aside from pills, it comes in many different forms, such as powders, oils, bath flakes, sprays, roll-ons etc. Magnesium oil can be a very effective pain reliever for sore muscles, restless legs, growing pains etc.

Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in human health. Their significance has been subject to many studies in the last decades. They are part of prevention and treatment plans against cardiovascular diseases, cancers, autoimmune disorders, diabetes etc.
Omega-3 fatty acids occur naturally in many foods, but except if you are someone who eats fish regularly, omega-3 supplements should be an important addition to your diet. Aside from fish oil, omega-3s are found in canola oil, flaxseed oil, soybean oil, walnut oil etc.
Omega-3s can be consumed in different dietary natural health supplements, such as vitamins, fat burning supplements, meal bars, protein powders etc. The biggest source of omega-3 fatty acids, however, are fish oil supplements.
Consuming them regularly is good for your blood, for your heart health, your eye function, brain health, cognitive function, your skin, your hair etc. They are also believed to improve the effectiveness of some medications.
When it comes to pain management, studies have found that an effective dose of omega-3s can reduce the need for pain-relieving medications. They are effective against joint pain, caused by autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis or bone diseases like osteoporosis, as well as nonsurgical back or neck pain. This is due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have also found that omega-3s help the stomach to stay healthy, reducing the risk of stomach problems.
Vitamins are organic compounds present in foods, usually in small amounts. They are essential for normal physiological function. Diet has the biggest impact on our health and vitamins play a major part.
Vitamin deficiency can cause all kinds of problems in our bodies. Since our bodies can’t synthetise vitamins fast enough for our daily needs, vitamin supplements are essential for our health.
Vitamins B3, B12, C, D, E, are some of the most important vitamins with antioxidant properties that help fighting inflammations. However, all vitamins are in a way helpful for pain management, since they all help different parts of our system to work properly.

Herbs are the original medications. People have been enjoying and harvesting the healing powers of plants for ages.
Plant-based natural health remedies come in all kinds of forms, anything from teas, ointments, gels, essential oils to dietary supplements. They’re used for promoting both physical and mental health, for beauty and vitality, for weight management and also for pain alleviation.
For muscle and bone pain, herbs, roots and seeds are used to make different topical medications, from simple essential oils, to gels, creams, ointments and lotions. Remedies from plants like lavender, eucalyptus, ginger, chamomile, basil, rosemary, peppermint, hemp, arnica, turmeric and many more are all natural health products known to be helpful in managing pain.